Thursday, 21 December 2017

Amsterdam- Wednesday


In this post I have managed to mention, vindictive cyclists, beer, pee, marijuana, the temptations in the sex shop windows and eating flaming hot sausage in the red light district. (Dear Readers, I may have just summed up Amsterdam in that one paragraph).

I have never stooped so low in levels of  depravity and innuendo in any previous post. I am rather proud of myself.

My apologies in advance to our mothers……….


It is foggy and miserable today, well I guess its that time of year.

So we looked for somewhere dry to spend some time.


What's green on the outside and yellow on the inside.

….a hint….


okay another hint…


Okay, so if you haven't got it yet -  to fill in some time we went on the Heineken experience. (To Mum, that's beer, green bottles, yellow beer).



I’m not good with beer, it all tastes the same to me and makes me pee too much.


Then we did the 2 hour walking tour, which was great. Always love the talented students who come out to show you around and earn lots of tips.

Did you know that the cyclists actually go out of their way to try and run down tourists!


While Germany smelt like cinnamon, Amsterdam smells like…..? You guessed it marijuana.

Not only are we half pissed from all the beer now we are partly stoned from all the passive smoke. And we haven't even tried the cookies, or the tea or Chocolate laced with weed.


And if you would like to hear of our window shopping experiences in certain shops in a certain district then you will have to ask us when we get back, as our mothers read this blog and it may all be too much for their delicate constitutions.

However, believe me, some of the sex shop owners have a vivid imagination on where to put a mini Santa hat.

I wonder what some girls will get in their stockings this year – oh no, now I’m channelling Benny Hill, enough already….

We also took a walk past the girls in the windows. 10 hour shifts and 16 clients a night even more busy than the EDMHAT*…(Maybe the girls get paid better, although probably get the same amount of verbal abuse).

We then had dinner in a restaurant in the red light district where I had a bit of hot sausage….


…. Flambéed with Brandy.

My Beloved blog censor claims that I am an innocent little petal, bless. I’ll let him keep his delusions.

*EDMHAT- Emergency Department Mental Health Assessment team,  I’m their manager, they usually don't need a pimp.

scan of post it 001

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