(“Its a very good place to start” …..Quote = Do Ra Mi, The Sound of Music)
well the countdown is nearly over and we are ready to go.
We have spent a busy week getting organised –
Everything has been to the beautician!
I have been waxed, stripped, ripped and coloured,
the car went off to get waxed too, but in a totally different way.
The doggies have had their quarterly spa treatments!…
Even Graham has been to the barber.
I have pruned the roses, done my tax,
and explained to the sheriff why I can’t do jury duty on August 22nd.
I've organised to redirect the mail and have cleaned out the fridge.
(Why, oh why, did I believe that 15 jars of condiments was a good idea)
ABOVE; Is the family out for a farewell dinner on Friday night 5th August at Squires Restaurant.Violet, me, Graham, Paul, Mel and baby Kayden (now 3 months old,,, will be 6 months old when we return).
You may notice that my hair has had a makeover.
This was unexpected, the hairdresser said we’ll do it slightly darker to blend in the brassiness.
I thought that was okay – but her idea of slightly darker was dark chestnut brown – HORROR!
So,,,, I have decided to go with the Goth / rock chick look and have bought black nail polish…
So what should you expect from me and my blog while I travel…
I will attempt to blog most days on live writer.
However, uploading my posts online may be a bit hit and miss,
depending on when I can get internet access.
So, you may not hear from me for a week, and then get 6 posts all at once.
You may get lots of photos or you may get none!
(there will certainly be none of me with that hair… I should sue!)
Please forgive typos,,
Spelling I can check but nasty little slip ups can still appear.
E.g. sore/saw, mail/male here/hear
exit, stage right…….
Until next time,
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