Friday, 21 June 2019

We have a nasty drought...

The above photo is from this week.
All the grass is dead.. 
(and just look at those cute terriers doing the fence patrol)..
 The below photo is from 2016...

 I've never seen the dam so low. 
The cattle can wade in now and that's the first time I've seen that.

Dear Readers, Armidale is on level four water restrictions for the first time.. ever.
So we are saving the washing machine water for the garden. 
I think I've lost the roses in the front garden.

DL Armidale and Guyra water restrictions level 4 - May 2019
Personally, I blame the Guyra tomato farm... It's because they are paying LOTs for that water, and now the towns folk have to suffer....

So, I hope all you city folks are enjoying your tomatoes?
Businesses in town are really struggling and lots are closing. 
This is because people on farming properties don't have extra money to spend on luxuries, like hairdressers, beauticians and gift shops. Also produce stores are struggling.

It just flows on and on, the lack of money.

And the poor plant nurseries, I wonder if they will survive.
I'm lucky, because I'm a public servant... 
My work won't dry up, it will increase, with suicidal farmers etc. 
And all those people on tank water (like Sean & others I know) are really struggling.

It must rain again, won't it?

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Sesame Street Quilt - "Sunny Day"

Here are some photos of the quilt I made for baby Florence.

I bought a pre-printed Sesame street panel about five years ago because it was on special.

And I thought "why not use it up" for the new grand baby!

So lots of maths to get the panel blocks to match up with the 2" squares.

The Grover panel got chewed by Miss Lizzy so missed the final cut.... (tasted good Mum!)

(Look how dry it is, we have no grass. Its so sad...
I think I'll do a post on the drought next).
Above- Teddy, quilt quality controller, supervising the photo process.
It has lots of bright flannels and velvets. I wanted it to be tactile. 

Quilted in a pattern called 'Furry red guy" which is basically a way of it being an Elmo pattern without breaching the copyright..

When it was nearly finished I realised that all the characters are male!

Although, I am informed by a reliable source on these matters, (Mary-Anne)  that Big Bird is gender neutral..... and sits on a nest so could swing any which way.

Any of the other monsters could be any gender as well, who knows?

And we've all heard the rumours about Bert and Ernie......

This the first quilt I have finished for nearly 2 years. 
I have lots of nearly finished projects, so I am hoping to make some progress on those this year.

There's a second Sesame street quilt to come which is about 1/2 pieced.

Oh dear, and here Edie is again, under her sisters quilt.
I may have to make her a cushion with the leftover fabric.

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Grand baby number 2 - Florence

Hello Dear Readers. 
We had a trip to Tamworth today to meet Rose and Sean's new baby girl. 

Our second grand child, Florence.

We took her the Sesame Street quilt that I made for her, which Edie loved. 
Maybe Flo will never get it back.

Andrew was there too, and Greg, Sean and Andrew's father.

And Edie discovered that if you push the button on top of the black box (camera) a picture of her will appear on the view finder screen on the back.

"Umm, how does this work?"

Edie, the  selfie princess...

She was enjoying all the attention.
Edie actually let me pick her up this time, gave me a cuddle and she sat on my lap! 
That's a first.

Flo, Florrie or Flossie? 
I guess we'll see what fits.

And Edie liked all the gifts.
Dragons and fairies, and a 'horsie' (unicorn).

Florence isn't as dark, and doesn't have as much hair as Edith did when she was born.
She was 4.2kg.

And after we left Sean sent me the below photo!
She really likes that quilt, she wrapped herself up in it all on her own.
I'll share photos of that quilt in my next post.
It features Sesame Street characters.