Yes, jolly old me.
I actually wasn’t going to do anything for my Birthday, but then I decided on a small family dinner party with a Night in Venice theme.
Everyone had a venetian mask and the table was sparkly and candlelit.
Others brought the food and we had antipasto, slow roasted pork with baked potatoes.
A nice pasta bake dish with a green broccoli salad.
And to finish a Ferrero Roche ice cream cake.
and, this is where I would share the photos, however there hardly any.
Well, that's not exactly true as there are lots of photos, but with apologies to the photographers most of the shots are blurred, too dark or just plain bad.
My own fault as I should have got off my bum and taken the photos myself.
I also bought a beautiful new dress and have lost 19kg so thought I looked pretty good, however in every photo I look like a big grey slug. Which was a bit of a shock and not a great boost to my self esteem.
Anyway, here are the best of a bad bunch!

NOW, Roll on Christmas!
Until next time,