Sunday, 19 April 2020

In My Life 10th Anniversary Year - Chapter Two - Favourite Family Group Photos

Dad's 80th Birthday 2018
Hello My Dear Readers,

well, we were suppose to be away in Sydney this weekend but because of COVID-19
everything has been cancelled and no one in the world is traveling anywhere!

Well, we hope we will get to see the magicians Penn & Teller in concert one day,
but just not this year!

It does, however, make it the perfect time to reminisce as I continue with the best of the blog for the past 10 years. So seeing we can have NO FAMILY GATHERINGS, lets have a virtual one here!

The above group shot is one of my favorites, taken with Sean's drone. I also can't believe how colour co-ordinated we all were! That wasn't planned it just happened that way.

Okay now lets step back to 2010...

Christmas 2009. Back Row:- Andrew, Louise, Emily, Sean and dog Millie.
Seated:- Kim, Graham, dog Georgie, Mum (Margaret) dog Seth, Dad (Ian).

Yes it was pre-blog, but one of my first posts in 2010. The year we rented a beach house at Forster. The boys have both re-partnered now and the dogs are all dead.

Violets 80th Birthday party 2012.
Back row:- Gail, Michael, Jessica, Jarrod, Me, Graham, Mum, Dad Merel and Tom
Front Row:- Josh, Violet, Charmaine, Steph, Mel, baby Kayden, Paul

Held in Paul and Mels garden at Invergowie.

Kim's 50th Birthday December 2012

Me and my boys - Christmas day 2013

Boxing Day 2016 on our back deck
Back row:- Gail, Michael, Merel, Tom, me, and Paul holding Kayden
Seated:- Violet, Georgie Girl, Graham and a bit of Miss Lizzy, Mel with Sienna on her lap.

Paul (Grahams younger brother) died of cancer 11 months later, 26th November 2017. So its a timely reminder to take these sort of photos when you can.

 Sean and Roses wedding 2018.
Above, Mum, Cathy (my sister) Millie the dog and me.

Above;- Graham, Edith, Rose, Sean, Me, Andrew and Hailey.

Another shot from Dads 80th. Mum and Dad and their 3 kids.

 And of course this silly photo from Mum's 80th birthday in September 2019.
Mum, me and my sister Cathy.

And finally a very recent photo. December 2019 our Christmas get together.

At back:- Sean, Rose Me and Teddy the dog
Seated:- Edith, Dad, Mum with Baby Florence, Violet and Graham.
With just a touch of Lizzy who does not stay still for photos.

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