Saturday, 7 October 2017

Hey there Georgie Girl!


Hi my Mum’s Dear Readers!

This is Miss Lizzy here to tell you of some very sad news.

I’ve lost my lovely bestest friend, Georgie Girl.

We were visiting that kennel place, while Mum and Graham were off having fun. Hummff…

One morning Georgie forgot to wake up..

and I lost her, I am so sad.


(above - about 8 weeks)

Here are some happy photos that mum has taken over the years – she took an awful lot of photos of that Georgie Girl…


Doggy sisters

Georgie had a lot of friends before she found her perfect match … Me, Miss Lizzy!

Above is with Ruby.

Below is with Millie.

Dec 2009 (includes Perth) 067


And of course that legend of doggie land!


They were doggie best friends too.

Before and after clip 31st jan 016

28 June 001

waiting for Graham 005

But, none of those other doggies luvvved you as much as me!!! look at the cuddles I gave you.


Mum says we might get another doggie, but not until next year.

Goodbye, Georgie my friend, you had a great life, especially once you had me!

I’ll look after Mum and Graham and give them extra Lizzy love.

Better go now before Mum catches me on her computer…

Until next time..

Love from Miss Lizzy


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