Saturday, 29 April 2017

Edith is here.



Born April 2017

Born 19:19 hours

4.1kgs 54cms long



She’s here!

Three and a half weeks early, but she needed to get out of there as she had run out of room.

Rosie was going to be induced on Monday the 1st May, but baby Edith decided she wasn’t waiting for that. Rosie’s waters broke on Thursday night and they were off to Tamworth for the birth.

After 12 hours she was delivered by C section.

Both the names are my great aunts. (but I think that may have been a fluke). My Mum’s two aunts, Beryl's sister, May and her father, Gordon’s sister Edith (AKA . Edie).


Dear Readers, I know your heart will be so disappointed for me when I tell you the next bit.

I went home from work on Thursday afternoon feeling wretched and when I got Sean’s text on Friday morning, saying Rosie was in labour, I couldn’t lift my head of the pillow let alone get out of bed.

Gone were all my dreams of meeting my grand daughter for the first time  and presenting her with her quilts, and the other gifts I have.

It was very sad, Dear Readers, and I had a little sob about the unfairness of life. To quote that famous philosopher, Alanis Morissette

“Its Like Rain on your wedding day”


But never mind, many happy marriages start on a wet day. (that’s from the famous philosophy of Kim).

I’m writing this on Sunday the 30th.. and I still am yet to meet Edith and don’t expect I’ll be well enough until next weekend.

So… what grandparents names????

I thought about Nanny Kimmy (sounds like a goat).

What about Nan Kimba and Pa.

I’ll see what she likes, I know she just can’t wait to meet me!

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