Monday, 19 July 2021

Favourite photos - 2010 to 2020 - Episode 13 - A cast of characters part 2

Above:- 'An odd group' Cologne Cathedral Germany December 2017
Kim's favourite photo of this episode.

I always thought this was a carving of a man playing a lute to a monkey, but it wasn't until I looked at it again while putting together these reflective anniversary posts that I noticed some really weird things.

1. I don't know what sort of musical instrument it is, or even if it is an musical instrument.
2. Its a little bear, not a monkey, and he seems to be being given or taking the 'lute'
3. The 'musician' has hooves! He's a centaur.
4. Check out that weird bird, I thought it was an owl, but it has the head and feet of a lion, some sort of Griffin?

I would love to know if there is a story about this!

Anyway, continuing reading for some other odd things I've photographed in churches and elsewhere.
Above:- 'Cheers' Chester Cathedral U.K. August 2011

Above:- 'A Bit of Bull' Chapel at Carisbrooke Castle. Isle of Wight U.K. January 2018

Above:- 'Lady on a building' Chester U.K. August 2011

Above:-'A new carving, bless you'  York Cathedral York U.K. August 2011

Above:-'A couple'  York Cathedral York U.K. August 2011
Above:-‘Screaming Demon’ Gargoyle Prague, Czech Republic September 2011

Above:- 'Screaming demon rooster King thing' Gargoyle Czech republic September 2011

Above:-‘Could be a cavoodle?’ Gargoyle Prague, Czech Republic September 2011
Above:-‘Bloodhounds’ Budapest Hungary September 2011
Above:- ‘Scooby Doo?’ Gargoyle Windsor Castle U.K September 2011
Above:- ‘ The Hound of the Baskervilles’ 221B Baker street London November 2017

Above:-‘Mr Sherlock Holmes’ Baker street London November 2017
Above:- ‘Molly Malone with the rubbed shiny cleavage’ Dublin Ireland September 2011
 Above:-‘Really! Just aim and shoot’ Bologna Italy October 2011
Above:-‘Woman crossed with bird and cat’ Blenheim Palace, near Oxford U.K. December 2017
Above:-'Woman crossed with cat’ Yalta Ukraine October 2011

Above:-‘Statue of David’ Not the real one, the real one sparkles like the marble has glitter on it and is the most beautiful thing. But you weren't allowed to take photos.
Florence Italy October 2011
Above:-‘King Neptune’ Florence Italy October 2011
Above:- 'Figurehead' Portsmouth U.K. January 2018

Above:- 'Unknown Soldier' ANZAC Memorial, Sydney November 2018

Above:-‘A blackbird thief’ Budapest Hungary September 2011
Above:-‘Stanley’  His torso is rusted V.W. beetle, Lightning Ridge NSW
May 2014

Above:-‘Parliamentary Lion’ Houses of Parliament Westminster London U.K January 2018
Above:-‘Palace Lion’ Hampton Court Palace U.K. September 2011
Above:-‘The Winged Lion of Venice’ Venice Italy October 2011

Above:- ' More Lions' Doges Palace Venice Italy October 2011

Above:- ' Doge and Lion' Doges Palace Venice Italy October 2011
Above:-‘Egyptian Ram’ Ashmolean Museum Oxford U.K December 2017
Above:-‘Horses on the Wellington Arch’ London U.K. September 2011
Above:-‘More horses’ St Marks basilica, Venice, Italy, October 2011
Above:- 'The Caryitids' At the acropolis, Athens Greece 
These are exact copies of the goddesses, the original were removed as they were being damaged by pollution, and one was pinched by Lord Elgin.
Above:-‘Ssssssh!’ Norwich Cathedral, Norfolk U.K August 2011

Above:-‘Church people’ Cologne Cathedral, Germany December 2017
Above:-‘Clock people’ Prague, Czech Republic September 2011

Above:- 'Ahhhhh' Chester cathedral U.K. August 2011
Nearly there!
Time for the babies to appear...

Above:-‘Cherub watching’ Wrest Park Bedfordshire U.K August 2011

Above:- ' Musical Cherubs' Blenheim Palace Oxforshire U.K. December 2017
Above:-‘Dancing cherub’ Wrest Park Bedfordshire U.K August 2011
Above:-‘Bridge of Sighs/Hertford bridge’ Oxford U.K. December 2017

Above:-‘Bub, with grapes and swan’ (or goose) The Vatican, Vatican City October 2011