Sunday, 29 December 2019

Christmas Part Four- At Home with Miss Lizzy and Teddy

Doggie Christmas greetings to My Mums Dear Readers!

Its me! Your favourite doggie blogger Miss Lizzy here,  
to tell you all about our Christmas day adventures.

Firstly, I had a present! 

A squeaky toy from Nana. I broke the time on my previous destruction record.
2.5 seconds is my new benchmark. 
But as mum says it was 2.5 seconds of total doggie joy.

("and excuse me but you also got a very expensive 'Cool Bed' 
and lots of treats that you seem to be enjoying"  replies  Kim)

 We were all on our own this year as everyone else went elsewhere....

I was sort of glad we didn't have to avoid the new bicycle terror! 
(in Victoria, picture below).

The advantage of having no doggie tails that she can not run over them, snigger...

Mum and Graham had a cheese platter, followed by prawns and oysters.
Their dessert was Aussie Mess. 

(Eton Mess:- meringue, cream, yoghurt, with bananas, passionfruit
and a flake on top = deconstructed pavlova). 

They are cruel,
All the people food was just out of our reach.

Teddy wants to know if the ducks that visit our backyard 
are the Orange Duck Pate variety.

Mum says no, because these are the type of ducks you boil 
with a rock and when the rock is soft 
the duck will be ready to eat... ha ha ha.. you are silly Mum

And then on Boxing Day Mum and Graham spent hours 
throwing boxes into the recycling as they cleaned out the pantry!

We had a moth problem, although for months Mum kept referring to it
as 'tiny grey fairies, how cute'. 
She gets a little delusional like this sometimes.

Mum even invented a song, sung to the 12 days of Christmas tune.

On the first day of Christmas my true love helped me
 to evict the moths from the kitchen pantry.

Then it continued with

Two Tins of Cocoa
Three packets of spaghetti
Four bags of out of date SR flour

Five - packets - of - cous-cous

and it could have continued up to the 
Nine bottles of vinegar

("Hey, hold on, that's plain, red wine, apple cider, balsamic, rice wine vinegar, etc 
and I also gave 2 packets of Weet-Bix to the ducks, they'll be 
very happy inedible ducks now" snorts an indignant Kim)

A female Moth Fairy the 'Faie Dubious Intuitu'

Merry Christmas and lets hope everyone 
has a fairy moth free 
and a wetter than average year in 2020! 

From Miss Lizzy and Tiny Teddy.

Until next time..
Love and wet noses 
from Miss Lizzy

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Christmas Part Three - With Work

Lizzy, Jill, Me, Hellen, Irene, Elle, Mary-Anne and Martin

The Clark Centre Christmas get together was this year held at the newly renovated 
art deco Tattersalls Hotel. 

We're closed now until early January. 

We acidently booked the restaraunt rather than the usual outside Garden Bar.

Which was serendipitous as below is our backyard earlier that day. 

Smoke due to bush fires...

It use to look like below. 
2019 is an awful summer already and its only just started.

 For Christmas this year all the staff and friends received a bag
Of Jelly Belly, ice cream flavoured Jelly beans.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Chistmas Part Two - Family BBQ

Above - here is the traditional camera on timer photo, beep beep beep, everyone smile quick!

As EVERYONE is going to be elsewhere this year on Christmas Day we decided to have a Christmas catch up before they all left.

Mel and the kids were a last minute apology because they were sick.

Rose and I share a birthday, which is the week before Christmas. So Mum and Dad usually try to come up that weekend.

Small Children dropping food on the floor, I can't imagine why there 
wasn't more of a mess to sweep up afterwards.

Kimbadale was closely inspected by standing on a chair.

And the wrapping paper mess.

The most successful present was a music box that Mum and Dad gave to Edith.

You know one of those ones that ballerina pops up when it opens and plays music.  

Here's Edie  the following day still in ballerina mode.