Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Goonoo Goonoo Station

Recently we had a trip with the car club to stay overnight at Goonoo Goonoo station.
(okay, for non locals its pronounced Guna Goonoo)

22kms south of Tamworth, the station was first established in 1831 and has recently under gone a multi million dollar restoration. It now provides luxury accommodation,  a fantastic restaurant called the Glasshouse, and a wedding venue.
we stayed in the newly renovated Shearers Quarters.
Below is what it looked like prior to renovation!

And below are the rooms today... what would the shearers think?
We had a great crew on this trip and here we are getting merry at the restaurant before rolling back down the hill to bed. 


A few more photos of the Goonoo Goonoo village.

AND, then off to the Tamworth Motor Show 2019.

And here are some of the photos of this years entries. 
We didn't display a car this year, but others in the club did.

 Above- Not sure how Lyndon parks this at the shops....

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Edie turns two, and a baby shower too!

(It didn't originally look like above, I had to cover the contact details)

Hello Dear Readers!
Sharing with you some photos from our recent family event.

And isn't the above invite pretty, even includes Rose's glamping tents!
Let me  give them a plug,

Unfortunately, it was an absolutely freezing cold day so the garden party idea was scrapped and we ended up in the Kentucky Hall. 

Now, I have spent many hours in this hall, school and community functions as I once lived at Kentucky. One day I might do a sentimental post with some photos of Coranga, but having enough issues at the moment trying to find the time to blog about current events!

However, I  haven't been back to the hall for 20 years and its great to see that they have spent some money on it and put in new toilets and a kitchen.

I think I may have made 100 sandwiches in this room. 
The Kentucky P&C  would cater for the local Ram Sales. It was our biggest money earner.  

(Ram sales, Dear Readers, involve a  lot of farmers in Akubra Hats and RM Williams boots, going to a property that breeds good sheep. Male sheep were auctioned and taken home on the back of a ute to meet their new ewe wives).

Still won't talk to me, I'm scary Kimba.

"Mummy, tell that scary lady to go away"!

We gave her a fairy door,,,, with LED lights on it. Because I just love the Fairy Shop at Armidale Railway Station.

And then... we had games.

First it was guessing the size of their tummies with a piece of string.

And then, lets make nappies out of toilet paper!


And Rosie looks like she is about to burst.

And I'm madly trying to finish the binding on the babies quilt, and I should be doing that now, so I'd better be off!