Hi Dear Readers.
Graham and I recently spent the weekend in Tamworth so that The Baby could spend the weekend in the Tamworth Regional Entertainment Centre. You know were they hold the Country music awards.
Graham and I recently spent the weekend in Tamworth so that The Baby could spend the weekend in the Tamworth Regional Entertainment Centre. You know were they hold the Country music awards.
So this took a bit of organizing as we had to take two cars. The Lotus of course, and the Mondeo so we has transport while the car was on display.
As usual The Baby got lots of attention. It gets lots and lots of photos taken of it.
Its possibly had more photos taken of it than Graham and I (combined) have had taken of ourselves in our entire lives.
A big variety of vehicles on display
and here are just some of them below
Some people went to lots of trouble with their displays.
The car below is set up like its at a drive-in theatre.
We went to the official dinner on the Saturday night and sat at a table with the panel van club.
Above is one of our club members car. This is 'Reggie" that belongs to Cheryl.
There were about half a dozen car from our club.
This car won the best in show.
It was so shiny it was difficult to photograph.