Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Introducing :- Miss Lizzy



"Dizzy Miss Lizzy"

You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzy
The way you rock and roll
You make me dizzy, Miss Lizzy
When we do the stroll
Come on, Miss Lizzy
Love me before I grow too old

songwriter - Larry Williams,

Recored by the Beatles for album Help 1965


Well, we have adopted a puppy from the RSPCA.

Here is our wish list

  1. “A nice quiet dog with good manners” – (nope she is a nutter, absolutley crazy)
  2. “ an older dog” – (Nope, she seven months old and very much a puppy)!
  3. “Preferable a male, but we would consider a girl” – (Its a girl)
  4. “Gets on well with Georgie” – (She absolutely loves her, Georgie is the happiest dog in Armidale)!!
  5. “Not a Jack Russell Terrier”- (she’s  a Jack Russell Terrier x with possibly a Yorkshire terrier or a silky)?
  6. “Not a timid frightened dog” – (Yes - she tried to eat a huntsman spider and chased it off the wall)


She might be a little too intelligent for her own good. Looks like we are all enrolling for  ‘puppy preschool’.

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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Christmas 2015!

And the Christmas village has grown and expanded to a second table….



New item this year is Bernie’s Teddy Bears.

A bit sad as when I put up the decorations there was two little doggies helping……


We travelled to Sydney with Georgie. to spend Christmas with Mum and Dad. Lots of seafood. Andrew was there too.



On boxing day we visited Michael and Gayle.

Then caught up with Sean and Rosie who brought all their four dogs to Sydney.. it was chaos, but all the dogs behaved.

Below is Maya and Georgie at Nan’s.


But wait!!!!

When I took the Christmas decorations down there was a new doggie to help!

I have to put the blanket on the floor when doing the tree as last year I learnt the hard way that glass baubles explode when dropped on a timber floor!



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