Thursday, 12 December 2013

A Nearly Normal Morning

The alarm goes off at 6 a.m.

I’m up, showered.

Then I open the back door for Georgie to do her morning business.

Alfie stays sound asleep, he’s not a morning dog.

I step into the backyard to look at the weather,

I say good morning to the koala in the gumtree in the backyard…!!!


I grab my Camera!

I wake up Graham…

“Graham, Graham, there's a Koala in the gumtree!”



Georgie could smell it but couldn’t see it,

and it was having a lovely time, nibbling on the leaves in the tree.

However, our Magpie family were definitely unimpressed, and harassed it until it felt it was time to move on.


so down the tree it came and wandered all around the backyard.

The Magpies are NOT happy… Magpie bullies!

Georgie, of course went ballistic,  but that didn’t stop it coming right up to the backdoor (although we missed that photo).


I never thought in my wildest dreams that  I would  ever see a photo of Georgie AND a koala!


It found its way out of the backyard while we were at work, but now the council want to investigate the tree so they can plant more!



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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Its Nearly Christmas

A quiet Christmas for us this year.


I have made a bit of an effort and put up the tree. It has a Mardi Gras theme. Which means I just put every colour bauble on the tree rather than my usual designer colour scheme!


I haven’t put out the Christmas village this year. We just don’t have the room.

Next year – I’m going ALL OUT with the decorations – new fairy lights all over the house!!!


We will have Christmas lunch with Sean & Emmy.

I was expecting to be working on Christmas morning  BUT,  SuRpRiSE,  now I’m NOT WORKING!

As for the first time in history they are closing our ward for Christmas and sending all our clients to Tamworth.

(how this will work? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll hire a mini bus.

No one in Armidale must have Mental Health issues at Christmastime)??!

We might go away in the New Year period but currently I am Nurse Unit Manager and I am really busy and sTReSsED  trying to organise this last minute shut down business. 

I haven’t even had time to think about holidays yet.

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Sunday, 8 December 2013

Bugs in Jars

I have always wanted to do a bugs in jars quilt, so this is my latest project.

Mineuscule jpeg

I have collected lots of bug fabric and will use a nice ‘Michael Miller Painters Canvas’ black fabric for the background.



I have designed 3 different jars, thick lid, thin lid and shelf jar.

One jar will be without its lid so the contents have escaped and will be running amok on the borders.

This quilt should be completed early next year.

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