Hi everyone and welcome to
another new year – 2013!!
I know I’ve been slow with my posts BUT I’m working fulltime again! – while we recruit and wait for a new Nurse Unit Manager.
I don’t mind really. I think (and I’m told by those in power) that I do a good job in the higher position. I’ve probably done it for five years, if I add up all the weeks and months I’ve stepped up for, which is longer than any other NUM.
I don’t want the job, its too stressful and I like to have a life outside work, BUT I may be the best NUM the units never had – ha ha…
We are waiting for our new NUM who is coming from the UK, lets see how long before she wants to go home! No, only kidding, it may work out just fine.
Anyway – New Years Day.
One bonus of working as NUM is that I get all the public holidays off and don’t have to do night duty. (and get paid more $$$)
So this year we went on the car club run to the Blue Hole.
The Blue Hole is Armidale's local swimming hole.
Gara Gorge is locally referred to as the Blue Hole and is located 16kms from Armidale along the Castledoyle Road. Gara Gorge is a popular picnic and barbecue spot. It is well known for its scenic bush strolls and beautiful swimming holes. It is also the site of Australia s first commercial Hydro-electric Scheme. The remains of this historic scheme can be viewed today, via the Threlfall Historic Walk.
A big turn up of folks with hangovers.
Graham is his public holiday not shaving mode. Getting a touch of the Spike Milligans with that beard.
Until next time,