Monday, 31 January 2011

Doggies ready for the heat!

Alfie says "I'm hot and furry"
in fact he looks like a little bear!

"I HATE baths" and bit the dog groomer  (again)

We are a bit late in getting a summer clip.

In fact it was getting rather desperate

They were due to be clipped at the beginning of December
But, I was working full time 
Then the lovely lady from the doggie day spa was away

And a couple of hours later - NEW DOGS!

Now they both have trouble free short back and sides!

Cool and sporty look  for Georgie Girl.

Until next time... Kim

Sunday, 23 January 2011

My Quilt World - I Spy Quilt

I spy with my little eye,
something beginning with Q.

This wasn't a project I was planning this year, but Graham and I have had the news that a baby niece or nephew is on the way. And, you just know that I need any excuse to design something new. But wow, this is a fun one to do!

I have chosen a green polka dot fabric.

I have purchased packets of fabric squares on ebay, all different fabrics  and added more scraps from my stash to make the 138 I spy blocks in this quilt. 

Starting on the smaller blocks

There are blocks with dogs and cats, kangaroos and koalas, fruits and veggies and even really weird stuff like green onion dip and bears playing golf. 

I want one for me!!!

Its coming together really quickly so I will update you soon!

Until next time .... Kim

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

My Quilt World - I Remember You - Progress report

Just an update on this quilt...I've finished the middle bit and I am working on the borders.

I have had a few problems with the size of the pieced borders - I think I made my templates slightly the wrong size - I hope the puckers will quilt out --- he he he,

As usual, I have decided to challenge myself (meaning I've had a new idea!) and do something I've never done before -  a mitred border - to make the most of the beautiful fabric.

Eeek,, I'm a little nervous about 
cutting the fabric 
but here  it goes........

Until next time ... Kim

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Queensland Floods

Well, we timed our trip to Queensland well!

Who would have known that when I took these photos of the Brisbane river that it would be the subject of world news a few days later!

It is horrible and tragic - especially for those in the towns  of Toowoomba , Grantham and nearby, who had no warning.

Here is Emmy's photo of their road with massive amounts of water washing across from the pineapple farms - their house is on the high side so is okay.

To quote my youngest son - 

'Ah, the Sunshine Coast, beautiful one day, 
floods of biblical proportions the next.'

Until next time... Kim

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Welcome to 2011 and Happy New Year!

Graham and I have just returned from spending a fantastic new years break with Sean and Emmy in Queensland.

Emmy, Sean, Alfie, Maya, Millie, Graham and Georgie enjoy a relaxing afternoon in front of the telly.

I thought before we left that we may have to swim to get up there as Queensland has had sooo much rain. 

So, we had an extra long journey due to potholes and  rain damaged roads. We had to travel via Toowoomba rather than our usual trip via Gatton.

Sean and Emmy's house near the Glasshouse mountains in Queensland.
The weather was okay once we arrived - some rain, but it  didn't prevent us doing things.

However, Georgie usually loves running around their big block but this time it was like a swamp. White fluffy dogs and mud don't mix! Ha ha.

All the dogs got on really well, it seems Georgie and Millie have grown out of their crazy ear pulling and rumbling stage. Alfie has never been on holidays before with us.  He seemed to enjoy being the big boy dog amongst all the girls but there was a couple of wee accidents, (he found a very convenient indoor tree - all covered in tinsel - whoops). He's not keen on getting his feet wet, even to wee.

We haven't met Maya before, but she's a cutie and a bit smarter than Georgie and Millie. She talks! Ruoorf aroof. 

The dogs had fun with their doggie relatives- Georgie, Alfie, Millie and Maya.
We went to the movies twice. This is always a bit of a treat when we go on holidays as our normal cinema at home is rather ordinary...

The first movie we saw was 'Gulliver's Travels' with Jack Black. It was in 3D and so a new experience for us! We stuffed ourselves on lots of popcorn although Sean dropped his and made a big mess! And - I should give a big thank you to the quick and efficient RACQ man who we got to meet later that day due to an unfortunate incident with a car battery.  Luckily, this incident took place outside a bottleshop so that Emmy and I could refresh ourselves whilst the fellas had their heads under the bonnet.

The Sunday markets at Caloundra

The second movie we saw was  'The Kings Speech' with the remarkable Geoffry Rush. It also had one of my favourite actors, a man who is talented and an all round nice guy packaged up in a Mr Darcy shaped parcel - Colin Firth! Graham and I both highly recommend this movie.

The waterfront at Caloundra - The water is very brown and murky. Maybe because half the topsoil in south east QLD has washed into it because of the rain.

We also spent an afternoon in Brisbane and went to the Modern Art Gallery. Gave me a good chance to play with  my new camera.

The Brisbane skyline

Queensland gallery of modern art

All made of recycled plastic bags

A Close up - love these colours - maybe it will inspire a quilt.

Emmy & Sean walk under an arch of cardboard boxes

Pots, all in a row

An elephant.
I am planning an upgrade of my blog in the next month and also have made progress on lots of my quilts that I need to write about... So check back soon!

Until next time....Kim