Monday, 28 June 2010

In my life

Well, its been a bit busy this past month - work has been full on - lots of sick people, lots of bizarre incidents and the unit seems to be constantly full...

Andrew has moved out of his flat - and he has returned to a bachelors life after 4 years. He is having lots of trouble finding a suitable flat - thus he has moved home! (with the rabbit and the fish). So the house is a little full at the moment, but we are all getting on okay,,, so far.

Georgie would like to get to know the Ginny rabbit a little better!

Andrew won't let me take a photo of his room as he says its an invasion of his privacy.... He hasn't lived here since he was 18ish ( he is now 23) , but things haven't changed - there's something about the look and smell of a teenagers room! What I don't understand is that the flats he's had have always been neat and tidy - maybe he's always had someone to pick up after him..................

Fortunately he finds the fact I keep a blog very embarrassing so he won't be reading this!

Sean and Emmy are coming to visit this weekend - I don't know where they'll sleep - they'll have to bring a tent! LOL.

Graham has also been busy and we now have a bigger living room - with the fireplace removed. Its still a bit of a mess and I need to get someone to come and repair the carpet. Now I just need to be able to afford some new furniture (lounge suit) but I think I'll have to wait until 2011......

AND its been cold, with a big frost last night. Just as well the dogs have stylish new coats.

Here are Georgie Girl & Alfie Earl posing in their new fashions!

ABOVE: This is Georgie's denim number and Alfie's cammo coat.

ABOVE: Alfie has this fetching flannelette Sesame Street number

ABOVE: Here is Alfie in his trendy Beatles Coat

ABOVE: Georgie says "One day I'll get to meet that cat next door"

ABOVE: Georgie also has a pink Girlie number

Until next time , Kim....

My quilt world - Ripe Strawberries! - Progress Report

I have finished all the baskets now and I am working on the pink/blue/gold sashing.

Its not fitting together as neatly as I hoped, I think some of the basket blocks may be a little wonky. Probably due to the number of pieces in each.

Still on track to get this finished by Christmas - which is good as I've already bought fabric for my next BIG project!!

Until next time, Kim .....

Sunday, 27 June 2010

My Quilt World - Who let the dogs out?

I've finished the top - Ready for the basting ( which is sandwiching the three layers together). These photos are from a week or two ago, before I put the final border on.

I'm going to quilt this very simply myself - just "in the ditch" around each block ---- just waiting for some free time to get it done. Next time I post about this quilt it should be finished and ready to go to its new home.

Until next time, Kim ....